Reality Check

On the Subject of Elevators

A couple of years ago, my condo building got two new elevators. Of course, they were replaced one at a time so that occupants could get to their units without using the stairs.  It was a huge inconvenience that resulted in much improved transportation.  All good.

One of the elevator plusses was bumping into other residents, and we often chatted in the lobby before we went our own ways.  Now, the building and its elevators are empty because the building is unsafe for occupancy. (See earlier blog posts.)

Where I am living now, there is one elevator.  But I am usually alone in it, riding to and from the 7th floor.  And then one day I wasn’t alone.  Going down, a graduate student who lives on my floor introduced himself. Halfway down, a woman with a big suitcase who was off to NYC for the weekend joined us and introduced herself.

Going back up after fetching my mail, I was joined by a middle-aged man from Brazil studying in a  program here who has seen me on Seth’s Amigo Gringo channel in Brazil and told me I am funny.

I may build a whole new community by spending more time in the elevator.

My next hangout destination:  the sofa in the reception area.


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Jackie Rifkin

What a delightful column!  Yes, check out that sofa...I recently moved to a senior rental building and already know so many people from riding the elevator and hanging out in the lobby!

Yellow Shoes

In the past I've felt sorry at the unexpected turn of events in your life but reading this I've come to realise you are always going to find the positive in whatever life throws at you.
That reception area sofa sounds very promising.


Just wondering if there was any event/events in your beloved building that could be started in your new place?
Or maybe a happy hour in someone's apartment?

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