Another Beginning
Sick. Me?

Moving Lessons

I began to blog twice-weekly at seventeen years ago this month in order to “process” my aging.  Of course, I knew that there would be good times and difficult times, but I never expected to lose the home and community that were such a part of my happy life.

At 80-something, disruption has been a little harder to take as is the uncertainty of whether I’ll be renewing a lease in my hastily found apartment, or once again be packing up for a move in twelve months.

One thing I know for sure—my mother’s two-dozen crystal stemmed dessert dishes that I have never used and the kids don’t want will soon be donated to the closest church’s thrift shop, never to be wrapped for packing again.

It’s never too late to learn… 


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Yellow Shoes

Judy, since the move you’ve had to make you’ve shown such resilience.
I’m full of admiration at your tough attitude and how you’ve shown such positivety.
I really hope you have a secure home soon. xx

Becky in California

Moving is a major pain. I myself don't have a move planned, but have had many over the last couple of decades, and have given things away each time. Now I'm in a little cottage, but find that I still want to pare down quite a bit, in order to spare my daughter from having to sort through all my stuff when the time comes. It would just be nice to know who was the recipient of the things I've hung on to all these years. Out neighborhood (and possibly yours, as well) has a local group called "Buy Nothing" where neighbors post things that are no longer wanted, and other neighbors are free to say, "Yes, please!" and come to pick them up at the giver's convenience. This might be a satisfying solution for the beautiful glassware you've hung onto for so long.


The old saying, 'Live for Today and Plan for Tomorrow' is sometimes the best we can do. I hope you can enjoy the little things of here and now for the moment.

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