Social Security and Me
Moving Lessons

Another Beginning

It is true that as we get older, the years go faster, probably because they are a smaller percentage of our age.  So welcome to 2025.  It came very fast.

Of course, I am not in the business of predicting, but I hope that this year will be better than I anticipate.  I am basically a worrier.  I worry about global warming.  I worry about our divided country and more.  But I hadn't worried that I would have to move myself and my possessions out of the place I expected to live for what I hoped would be a long time.  And that’s been hard.

I’ve been in my new place almost four weeks now.  It’s smaller, but I was able to cram in all but one bookcase. It is a bit of a challenge to walk between the end of my bed and my dresser. It helps that I am thin.  On the upside, this building has a gym, and I am back on an exercise bicycle for the first time in several years.

Of course, the downside is a loss of a community that I loved. 



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jenyce jiggetts

Judy, I wish you a Healthy 2025! Can you write about this move? Will you be able to return? If so, how long will it take? Is this expense coming out of your pocket, or does insurance cover it? If this is not too personal, I'd like to read more about this situation, considering you made a purchase that required having to move out.

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