The Newspaper
My Venetian Glass Candies


According to ChatGPT (and other sources), moving can cause what is referred to as relocation stress syndrome. I have moved thirteen times (not counting going away to college) and although I wouldn’t call my feeling of dislocation overly traumatic, I do have one inevitable bad reaction, namely, the inability to sleep.  Until I settle in, until all moving boxes are out of sight, until I have temporarily plastered every kitchen cabinet with colored stickers indicating its contents, to say my sleep is disturbed is an understatement.

On Thursday night, I slept eight solid hours.

This is now my home.


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Congrats and hope you have a peaceful and happy holiday season


When we moved back to Mass in 2023 I was shocked at how difficult the move was for me . I had moved many times in my life but never had it affect me the way this one did. I am glad to know that there is a name for it now.

After a year and a half I finally adjusted to the relocation but I still do not sleep well. That could just be age, I am not sure.

Be kind to yourself. You did not ask for this.

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