Music to My Years
November 17, 2024
I was late coming to love classical music. I remember my mother playing Peter and the Wolf on our record player when I was a child, and I was just not interested.
But things changed somewhere along the way, and I admit that I now know zero about popular music. (Well, I could name a few world-famous stars.)
Our journalist son Seth referred to us in print as his “classical-music-loving-parents”. And although our CD collection was not century specific, we did have a lot of Mozart and his contemporaries.
So, imagine my delight when I learned that medical studies have shown that listening to Mozart (and Strauss) has a positive effect on heart rate and blood pressure.
And the single best piece of music for your health, according to researchers?
Mozart’s Symphony #40 in G Minor.
Thanks for sharing! I used to listen to music constantly in my youth, and even played music myself, mostly folk music. But as I got busy with family life, it fell away, to the point where I really never listen to music anymore. I think it would do me good, even if only as a relaxing background while tidying my little cottage. Love that you are always learning, Judy. I think it certainly must be a key to staying youthful, along with all your adventures!
Posted by: Becky in California | November 17, 2024 at 03:21 PM