How Things Get Fixed

Grammar Lesson

The 80-something blog doesn’t usually get into politics.  This is a blog about aging, not about how to run our country.

However, I must speak up about the poor use of English in the news last week.  There was some controversy over the Republican Veep candidate’s negative statements about the childless-ness of Kamala Harris.  She has been, however, the step-mother to two of her husband’s children for ten years, and according to their birth mother, very involved in their lives.

Harris’ stepdaughter, Ella Emhoff, posted the following on Instagram, “How can you be ‘childless’ when you have cutie pie kids like Cole and I?”

In my view, it should be “like Cole and me”.

Is my grammar out of date?!


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I watch Hallmark mysteries quite a bit. This mistake is consistently used. I cannot understand how professional writers allow that. Maybe it is a matter of me being out of date. Nevertheless, it is grating and I won’t be following the trend.

Luise Erdmann

Absolutely not! The I/me issue is all too frequent and rarely done correctly. In fact, it's probably one of the more common errors. Though proper grammar may feel like a losing battle, don't give up! It's a worthy fight. Thank you!

jenyce jiggetts

Interesting that you would single out this young person. This mistake is heard all the time and used mostly by "educated" individuals. Your grammar is not out of date it's just that you are late with the comments about it :)

Kate Hughes

Judy, I am disappointed in you for the first time in more than five years. I feel differently about this issue and I do think that your response is a petty criticism and akin to the grammar police who care more about style than substance in this context. Informal communication doesn't have to be grammatically correct and for young people some online comments and conversations don’t have to be overly edited and overly processed. Most stepmoms and stepdads would be delighted to have their stepchild step up and publicly praise them.
In my conversations with family and friends I don’t want to be edited for grammar. Yes, professionals should be careful to model the correct grammar, however, when I get a hug from my grandchild, I focus on the hug.


Nope! I always notice that one, too.

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