Just a Trip to the Grocery Store
Bringing Generations Together

Summer Plans

I wish I had a nickel (or better yet, a $1) for every time recently that someone has asked me if I have “any exciting summer plans”.  I also wish I did have some exciting summer plans.

I recall with great pleasure summer vacations at the ocean when our boys were quite young, and some wonderful trips abroad with them during their teens.  And I remember 25 joy-filled summers of bicycle trips to destinations near and far with Peter and close friends.

But that was then, and this is now.  In summer 2024, I will vacation at home.  I may take day trips to pretty places.  I will explore Boston’s changing waterfront—a whole new world. I will go to a Red Sox/Yankees game in Yankee Stadium with Seth who is in New York for the summer.  And I have been invited to join Jeremy and my grandson Grady for a college visit to Maine. 

Exciting plans?  Maybe not, but it sounds like a pretty good summer to me.


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Yellow Shoes

Your summer plans sound just fine.
I'm guessing there are some places near home you've never got round to investigating.
I'd love to read a post from you in the next month or two called "You'll never guess where I went to today" xx

Marion Ross

Sounds like a great summer!

Becky in California

What a pleasure to discover two new posts today! Wishing you a lovely summer, Judy, and it sounds like that's just what you have planned. Not sure about you, but the older I get, the more attached I am to sleeping in my own bed!

Jackie rifkin

Those are lovely plans for the summer. As I sit in the hottest city in America, Phoenix, I am looking forward to a trip east for a grandson's wedding and a few days on Long Island with my daughter. We may even go on a short road trip to a Boston suburb to visit another grandchild. I'm grateful that I have the resources and family to help me through these days; and sorry for the many unhoused on our streets here and across the country.

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