People's Best of 2022
December 29, 2022
When asked what was special about their 2022, New York Times readers talked about everything from positive changes to their routines to their choice of tooth paste. My favorite idea was the “Good Stuff Jar.”
When 2022 got off to a bad start for one reader, she set aside a jar to hold notes about good things as they happened. Anything from a particularly good day to a good joke could be noted and tucked into the jar. On New Year’s Eve, she and her husband will read all her notes to celebrate the positive things about their year.
Our family makes a Thankful Jar for Thanksgiving. Everyone anonymously jots down several things they are grateful for—people, the world, anything, and we read them before dessert .
It would probably be difficult to get my far-flung family to agree to note good things daily, but that won’t stop me.
I’m in.