Mom's Contemporary
My New Job

The Economist and Me

Peter subscribed to The Economist, a weekly British magazine, for years, and his subscription has not ended.  As a pre-Peter boyfriend of mine used to say, “Waste not, want not,” so I read it every week.

The July 23rd issue’s Culture section reported on a more-than-breath-taking performance of the Rachmaninoff 3rd Piano Concerto at the Van Cliburn competition in June.

The 18-year-old South Korean pianist, Lim Yun-chan tackled this difficult piece at a remarkably young age and delivered the competition-winning performance. I listened to it on YouTube where it has been viewed more than 5,000,000 times.

At the end of his performance, conductor Marin Alsop wiped a tear from her eyes.

You can listen here


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Great recommendation. I loved it.


So glad you read that Economist. Well worth it to hear/see that performance!

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