Follow-up to Falling
A Memory of Peter


Last Sunday night, I took my dish of coffee ice cream (yes, coffee ice cream is back!) out to my balcony.  There was a wonderful breeze blowing, a relief from the heat of the day.  People were running or biking or kayaking or walking dogs along the river.

Earlier in the day, I talked with both of my boys, and they sounded great. I also had approximately my 1, 716th weekly call with my ex-neighbor who moved away in 1989.  Unless one of us is out of town, we talk every Sunday.

And, I finished a wonderful new novel by Pulitzer Prize-Winner Geraldine Brooks.  It’s called Horse.

Although Sunday has been my favorite day forever, of late, I have a new reason to love it.

No doctor appointments.


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Anne Brew

That sounded like a really special day and I love the fact that you have a balcony looking out onto the world.
Ice cream, people watching, a warm balcony and a good book - bliss. x

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