Jane Brody Turns Eighty
Managing Stress

The New Table


There is an entrance hall to our new condo that cried out for a small, but elegant table. Big enough to drop keys and a purse, but small enough that a wheelchair could get by.

A good friend loves tramping through consignment stores and suggested we visit one she likes in the unlikely chance that they might have something I could use.

Think of your mother’s (or grandmother’s) living room.  Even the couple who owns the store which is down an alley off a main street, could be your grandparents. I’ve never seen bunions as big as the wife’s, but she shuffles around just fine, and she knows her stuff.

Assuring us that we could try out the table and return it, she insisted on “restoring” the top before we left.  For $31.88 I got the perfect table.

See above.


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Monica James

It is indeed perfect:)

Janet and John

Love it! You did well. Love to you and Peter. Sunny day today. It will be good to open the balcony windows.
Will you share the Consignment Shop contact info?
All the best, Big Hug,
Janet and John


Perfect indeed!


Oh, I love the table - and what a nice lady to allow you to return it if it didn't work for you. Looks perfect to me.

Charlotte Rolle

Love the table. Very pretty!


That table is sooo perfect that if she offered double money back, I would not return it.
Congrats on your move...again


Lovely table. Such a deal!!!


And no sharp edges!


Love it..and the arrangement on top.. I just found the perfect side table at a yard sale. What fun!

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