Now Hear This
The New Table

Jane Brody Turns Eighty

Jane Brody, one of my role models, just had her 80th birthday.  I’ve been a fan of hers for years.  My copies of her cookbooks are well-worn, and I read her column “Personal Health” in the Science section of The New York Times­ every Wednesday.

In a recent column, she shared some turning-80-wisdom.

  1. Gray hair isn’t so bad.  Maybe natural just looks better.
  2. Wrinkles are earned and not to be hidden.
  3. Walking your dog over difficult terrain can help your balance AND your confidence.
  4. Don’t climb on a chair to reach something. Use a step-stool.
  5. Pay to have someone do what you shouldn’t do for yourself.
  6. Refrain from “organ recitals”.

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