What Day Is It?
May 03, 2020
I am having trouble remembering what day of the week it is. I know when it’s Sunday because on Sunday we get two newspapers. I know when it’s Tuesday because I organize Peter’s medications for the week on Tuesday mornings. I’m pretty good about Mondays because that’s when my Zoom class, The Future of Higher Education, meets (until mid-May).
I’ve pretty much stopped looking at my calendar because everything has been cancelled. And with the library closed, I don’t have to check to see if we have any books due.
I was a bit confused about what day of the week it was in my early retirement. But nothing like this.
I yearn for the return of normality.
Hola--Thought I would drop you a line. Found your blog today as I was googling "bloggers over 70" not thinking that I would find any. I am happy to say I did find a scant few LOL Anyway I am a Travel/Lifestyle blogger/vlogger retired and living in Costa Rica. I turn 70 on Friday. I've been blogging since I was 58 and I was considered "old" at that time. I subscribed to your site and look forward to the uppdates. Congrtats on bloggin over 80!!!
Posted by: Devon Austin | May 04, 2020 at 05:43 PM