Thoughts about Retirement
Three Months Post-Surgery

Hide-and-Seek on Mother's Day

It was gloomy weather after a sunny week. Jeremy was making a Mother’s Day brunch for his family and his parents. He made delicious pancakes by the dozens, gluten-free for the two mothers and gluten-full for the rest. Also on the brunch table, melon, pineapple and multiple packages of gluten-free treats for my daughter-in-law Katrina and me.

Shortly after we stuffed ourselves at brunch, every grown up but me was napping—Gramps on the prime-napping-couch on the screenedin porch and Jeremy and Katrina upstairs. That left Grady and Leo and their Grandmother. The boys suggested we play hide-and-seek. Why not? Although I was happy to seek, I got permission not to hide.

Their house is full of potential hiding places, but eventually I found them both without disturbing any nappers—Leo on the floor under the covers of an unmade bed in the basement guest room, and Grady scrunched up in a huge ottoman that I didn’t even know opened, but is meant to hold toys. He had two snack bars with him in case it took me too long to find him.

What more would one want from Mother’s Day? Oh yes, a loving card from Seth, sent from somewhere in Brazil.


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Ana Maria Fagundes

Hello, good evening !! Your texts convey a lot of truth.I've been moved several times reading them.I'm registered in the channel of your son Seth (Friend Gringo) .I am a fan of him too !!! I met his blog through a video in which commented on the subject.I signed up and I always receive your texts and I love to read them.Abraços and continue to write with such intelligence !!

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