Insomnia (Again!)
October 29, 2015
When I toss-and-turn a couple of nights in a row, I try to figure out what’s going on that’s keeping me up.
Was it because I talked to my high school friend who had just looked at an attractive assisted-living community? She and her husband are healthy and still love their home of forty-plus years, but their kids don’t live near enough to look after them and are worried. (They hated it.)
Is it time for us to look?
Or was it because our furnace stopped working on that same bitter cold day? We have a service contract, but the gas company outsourced repairs to another organization. Rather than promptly sending out a technician, (our expectation based on the gas company's past service), that organization told us that they couldn’t send someone until the following week and offered to give us the names of some plumbers to call, promising to reimburse us for the expense. Except none of those plumbers could come that day either.
And finally, there is the possibility that I was worrying about our kids. This is a frequent source of sleeplessness. It seems both of them are working way too hard with no let-up in sight.
Maybe it was none of the above. Still, I’m tired.