College Reunion
June 05, 2014
Five years ago we went to Jeremy’s fifteenth Amherst College Reunion to help take care of our grandchildren, then five and two.
On Saturday, we went to his twentieth reunion. This time, the grandchildren were so busy with other children that it took an offer of ice cream at Bart’s to get some time with them.
But that hardly mattered. It was good to see them, even if only briefly, plus we got to hear Jeremy speak to his classmates as part of a panel on “How Did We End Up Where We Are 20 Years Later?” Jeremy talked about his startup that failed and the lessons he learned. He was poised, insightful and funny.
After his panel, we went to a buffet lunch for hundreds of reunion attendees. Once the grandkids were stuffed, they ran off with their friends. We stayed at our table and chatted with Jeremy’s friends. We knew them all from the many parents’ weekends or visits for lacrosse games. They are impressive 42-year-olds. Hearing about where they are in their lives, talking to them adult to adult was thrilling.
I couldn’t resist passing Jeremy a napkin on which I had written
“Thank you for sharing this with us.”