Lasting Memories
October 31, 2013
At the summer camp I attended, they always served roast beef for dinner on the last night. I suspect they thought that when our parents asked us how the food was at camp, we would think of our “final banquet” and forget about the creamed chipped-beef-on-toast dinners that we hated.
And so it was with my job. Now that I have been retired for two months, only the good things about it come to mind: how much I loved working with the students, how smart and committed my colleagues were, how important the mission that inspired us is…
However, if I dig a bit deeper, there are some things I don’t miss at all. I don’t miss writing performance evaluations or justifying my budgets. There were some not-fun committees I served on, and there was the time when we had to cut back our staffs. There are even one or two people I don’t miss.
Like camp, although it served an occasional chipped beef dinner, my job was a prime ribs experience.