Last Monday
September 29, 2013
While we were out of town visiting the kids last weekend, no magic elves did our laundry, watered our plants or went grocery shopping for us. So it was nice not to have to rush off to work on Monday.
Somehow, I managed to fritter away the morning on those undone weekend chores, minus the grocery shopping that Peter did. In the afternoon I had a medical appointment and did some reading for my management class,
It wasn’t until 8:00 p.m. that I realized I had spoken to a total of three people all day--Peter, the gardener who was trimming our neighbor’s bushes from our side of the fence (and making a mess of our flower beds in the process), and the woman who did my mammogram. (OK, I did check in with the receptionist at the doctor’s office and I did have a phone conversation with a woman from the Social Security Office who called because I forgot to sign a document.)
On a normal Monday before I retired, I would have had numerous encounters with colleagues and solved a bunch of problems for students.
It’s quite a change.