On the Cusp of Arthritis
April 29, 2012
I see the future, if I am lucky enough to be here. And the future is—arthritis.
Until recently, “arthritis” was a word I heard on annoying TV drug commercials. I do have a big toe that is rather stiff, but it’s not serious. And four years ago, the orthopedist told me to expect arthritis to strike early because of my broken hip. But so far, knock on wood, it hasn’t happened.
What I didn’t expect was that arthritis would result from my bicycle’s encounter with a car in December. The middle finger of my right hand was jammed when I fell. It became quite swollen and stiff, but I didn’t pay much attention to it. I expected it to get better just as my black and blue body had.
But my finger remains swollen and stiff, although it’s not as bad as it was. The other day, I mentioned it to Kathy, our trainer, who is also a physical therapist. I was surprised to learn from her that arthritis can result from a trauma.
So my early onset arthritis is nothing but the legacy of a careless driver on a sunny December morning.