CLL at Year Two

Laugh Lines

I have tried to love my laugh lines, and I have failed.  I realize that they reflect my long joy-filled life.  I have stopped standing in front of my mirror imagining a new face by strategically placing my fingers at the edges of my eyebrows and pushing up.  It’s hopeless. 

Yes, I have made fun of public figures whose faces don’t move when they speak.   Still, I regret all those days on the beach before sunscreen.

In a recent article called “The Case for Laugh Lines” (N.Y.Times 5/29/11) Dominique Browning talks about age-deniers and how common various procedures to hide wrinkles have become.  She claims that even thirty-year-olds are jumping on the band wagon.  She describes speeches she has attended where the presenters eyebrows didn’t raise or their foreheads didn’t wrinkle when they “frown”.  She asks (herself) about others, “Who are you?” because she doesn’t recognize some of her acquaintances with their expression-less faces.

I’ve come to terms with my wrinkles. But I still don’t like them.


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I just found your blog through one of your son's tweets. I (a 27 yr old female) find your posts engaging and entertaining - a breath of fresh air from the myriad text or picture heavy blogs out there. Thank you and I hope you continue to write!

Roving Jay

I live in California, so there's plastic faces wherever I go. A face without wrinkles is a face without a soul. Every line, no matter how much we hate them tells a story. Without them we are just a 1 dimensional mirror of our true selves.

If you have time next Wednesday - it would be great if you can head over to a virtual book launch of a friend of mine, Carol. She's releasing her book "Mini Skirts and Laughter Lines" - here's the link to the Facebook event page.

She'll be having events and competitions on the 16th, and there's an opportunity to win prizes, but it's also a good networking opportunity for your blog.

Hope to "see" you there.


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