The Stupidest Argument
March 20, 2011
Although Peter and I do a bit of bickering, I can count on one hand the serious arguments we’ve had. I do recall having an argument while running on a wintry day at least a quarter of a century ago. We disagreed about something the children were or were not doing (a common topic of disagreement between parents), and it got so heated that I stopped running and let him go on without me.
We have, however, had a lot of really stupid arguments, although I don’t recall those either.
But recently we had what had to be the stupidest argument of all. We went shopping at Costco. Like all box stores, it has a huge parking lot. Peter always turns right into the section of the parking lot that is furthest from the store entrance, while I prefer to look first in the nearer section. Of course the driver, usually Peter, makes the call.
So after we trudged at least the length of a football field from the space he chose on a recent Saturday, and saw not one, but two spaces fifty feet from the entrance, we argued. Peter said, “They wouldn’t have been there when we were.” I said, “But there might have been others.” I added, “We get plenty of exercise walking around the store. It's a waste of time to park farther away than we have to”.
Then, I turned to him, and said, “This may be the stupidest argument we have ever had”.
What’s the stupidest argument you have had?
When my daughter was an infant we had a huge argument about who got to take out the compost! I was looking forward to getting out of the house (i.e. walking out the side door, around the back and to the other side of a very small house), but my husband took out the compost and I was furious. I was in tears and it is one of the memories that reminds me that not everything about being the mother of little people is a pleasure.
Posted by: Ellen | March 20, 2011 at 07:50 PM
After Jim and I settled the arguments over his kid who simply grew up and out of range and he puts the top on the toothpaste, I have chosen to pick on the way he loads the dishwasher.
He has unloaed a gazillion times! How can he not know where the tall glasses go? The tallest plates to one side to avoid the squirting underarm?
Posted by: Reed Stevens | March 21, 2011 at 02:22 PM