Happy Third Birthday
January 09, 2011
The 70-Something blog will be three years old tomorrow. This is its 316th post. So far, I have kept my promise to write twice a week. (In case you haven’t noticed, I am rather compulsive.)
My blog provider lets me see how many readers I have, and although I am not The Huffington Post (and don’t want to be), my numbers are steadily increasing. People have asked me if I ever run out of things to say. So far—no. My husband Peter can attest that I always have something to say. But am I saying something meaningful? Are my observations about being in my eighth decade (yikes!) connecting to others?
I have heard from readers who are a couple of generations younger than I am and from folks who are older than I. I am very pleased when anyone takes a few minutes to read what I have to say.
I began this blog to process what is happening to me as I grow older. Hearing that keeping a journals may be good for one’s health may have had something to do with it. By now, it’s as much a part of my life as brushing my teeth.
Please continue to read. And thank you.
Hi Judy
Thank you for writing this BLOG. From past exoperience of writing once a week on Friday's I know the joys and pains of doing what you are doing. Mine was not a BLOG, I don't think they were abouut then, it was an email that started out "short" but ended up long.
This month I will no longer be in my 17's - whoops typo - 70's and I've been searching for another person who writes regularly using her/his PC. (We do need a pronoun for that, maybe ite ie: using ite's PC.)
Keep on keeping on
Bev Funk
Posted by: Bev Funk | January 10, 2011 at 11:51 AM
Happy Blogging Birthday.
Posted by: Freda | January 10, 2011 at 01:58 PM
Congratulations on your blog's anniversary! I've really enjoyed reading your blog. I am exactly half your age (in my mid-30s) but as a married mom of two young boys, I savor your wisdom about sustaining a long, happy marriage; raising kind, successful kids; and working for years at a job you really enjoy. I look forward to reading many more years of your posts!
Posted by: RM | January 10, 2011 at 04:47 PM
Congrats on keeping a blog up for 3 years!
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Posted by: VNSNY_News | January 17, 2011 at 01:25 PM