Thanksgiving Moments
November 28, 2010
The surprise Thanksgiving Eve appearance by Jeremy's friend Len who lived next door to us for twenty years. Len always walked in to our house unannounced and went directly to our fridge to grab a snack. He had to ring the doorbell this time because our door was locked, but he did go directly to the fridge once he came inside. I still consider him my third son.
- Explaining to four-year old Grady why the word "night" is not the same as the word "knight" as we read Good Night Good Knight.
Posing for the annual Thanksgiving family photo when we walked around the reservoir while the turkey roasted
Our South African guest experiencing his first Thanksgiving, and loving all the food and ritual
- Reading aloud all the "I'm grateful for" notes written during the week before Thanksgiving
Sitting around a blazing fire with my loved ones on the once-a-year day when we are all together
Memories to cherish. Prayers that we will all do it again next year
That is such a happy photo,
Posted by: Freda | November 28, 2010 at 12:14 PM