Mind Your Knitting
September 30, 2010
Knitting goes in and out of fashion. Which explains the paper box filled with knitting needles of every size and color tucked away on the top shelf of our linen closet. The box also contains assorted balls of leftover yarn, a few pattern books and who knows what else.
Over the years I've knit scarves and sweaters and other items which I have lost or discarded. I do have a favorite picture of me and Peter from my thirtieth birthday on a hotel balcony in Cortina, Italy in which I am wearing a purple and lilac patterned ski sweater knitted by yours truly.
More recently I've concentrated on afghans. And I have a favorite pattern, "Likety Split" from a Brunswick pattern book, volume 843. The book cost $5.00 so I know it's old.
I don't remember when I knitted the first or second one, both of which we use at home. I know I made one for Jeremy and Katrina when they got married eight years ago, and it pleases me to see it on their sofa each time we visit.
But I thought I had one more afghan in me, and on July 8, 2008 I cast on 136 stitches with two strands of yarn and started again. This one was for Seth, our peripatetic son. I figured that at some point (still to be determined) he'd stay in one place long enough to appreciate having his very own.
Two years, two months and twenty days later (yesterday), I tied the last piece of fringe.
Two years isn't so bad-lol. I have some beaded necklaces that have been in various stages of completion for several years. I usually have about 3 knitting projects going at one time too. When a birthday or something comes up, I hurry up and finish one of them and give it as a gift.
Posted by: Joan | October 01, 2010 at 03:36 PM