Makeup and Me (a History)
September 12, 2010
I've never been big on makeup. I'm married to a man who has been known to want to take his thumbs to women's eyelids when they are heavy with eye shadow. So my policy has always been "subtle."
Young skin doesn't need a lot of cover up. But I do recall the day I caved in and wore makeup to work. I don't remember the exact date, but it was twenty-some years ago. I do remember the outfit I wore that day. (If I ever run out of topics for this blog, I can list in detail what I wore on similar important occasions in my life.)
Back then, and for many years thereafter, once I had a hint of a tan, I happily took the summer off from makeup. But a couple of summers ago, I had to stop those makeup time-outs at work because sunscreen was effectively preventing any tan.
However, I was still able to hold out on weekends year-round, at least during the day. I didn't think the checkout person at the supermarket or the shoemaker cared about my pale complexion.
All of that changed yesterday morning when I looked into the mirror before leaving to run some errands. I didn't like what looked back at me. So, I picked up the tube of tinted moisturizer. Not for the checkout person, not for Peter.
For me.
Hi, Judy,
I've always admired those who could go without makeup. I started wearing it in junior high, but both of my parents enforced the "subtle" rule. I was a pale, pale natural redhead (now strawberry blond -- not natural)with a lovely strawberry mark on my left cheek (which I still have). I practiced until I could (almost) conceal the birthmark, although sometimes it would show through and someone was sure to ask if I had bruised my face. I have and do live with that, but my face has not acquired any more color and if I don't add some, it seems that as I have gotten older, I fade into the background. Tinted moisturizer sounds so simple and subtle -- I'm sure that you look lovely with it on! Annie
Posted by: Annie Joy | September 12, 2010 at 11:47 AM
a long time,i have not came here,i am happy i can read your blog.from here,i learn a lot of thing,you are a nice grandmother.
Posted by: ffxiv gil | September 13, 2010 at 04:08 AM
The trouble is I can't see well enough to put my eye make up on these days, so it is saved for very special occasions!
Posted by: Freda | September 13, 2010 at 03:28 PM